Die young as late as possible!

“If you want something you never had, be willing to do what you never did!”


Today! Staying healthy is easier than treating an illness. Don’t wait to live well when your body is bad. Start now to have longevity and well-being.


We serve at four addresses: Nova Lima/Belo Horizonte, Oscar Freire in São Paulo, Ipanema in Rio de Janeiro, and Brasília/DF.

Why Doctor Leandro?

Doctor Leandro Almeida specializes in helping people stay healthy, respecting their bodies, developing habits that help them have a better quality of life and prevent illness.


Doctor / CRM-MG: 57419 / CREMESP: 184128 / CREMERJ / 113810-3 Doctor Leandro Almeida is a reference in Brazil when it comes to endocrinology and biochemistry applied to sports.


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Service from Monday to Friday

9am to 6pm


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